hello gamster! I was unfairly banned today cuz aparentley i had an unfair advatage. i didin t do anything, i was just playing like normal so please unban me dianu123 thx
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pls unute me SuntBunDarySalutCum aplic pentru staff??Vasile420_69nu apliciwe miss uMCGamesPlayerYTI am a youtuberElloLD007Hicheh cheh cheham primit ban pentru ca faceam 1v1 cu un prieten la *practice (combo)* il mai tineam in aer cateva sec si am primit ban pentru unfair advantage
nume minecraft:Alexutzu30LD007Hi! Poti face o Cerere Unban aici: https://www.gamster.org/forums/forums/unban-unmute-requests.6/.2026gg banBuna, Eram pe creative cu prieteni mei vroiam sa i scriu un link pe plot chat si am scris de mai multe ori ca credeam ca nu sa pus pe plot chat si am primit mute pernament
nume in minecraft ItzRazvy06LD007Hi! Poti face o Cerere Unban aici: https://www.gamster.org/forums/forums/unban-unmute-requests.6/.hey i want to get unbanned i got banned for teaming and and i did not i promiss my user is It7LD007Hi! You can make an Unban/Unmute Request here: https://www.gamster.org/forums/forums/unban-unmute-requests.6/ =D.Un ban me plz gamster plz iwantbplay skywar server.gamster sooo plz ino chaeting plz un ban itzkuna_kojo i from ThailandlexiCould you pls unban me I was perma banned for no reason it said I was banned for unfair advantage but I did nothing.Could you please unban me my user is lexi_on_stickslexiLd007 pls see my commentLD007Hi! You can make an Unban/Unmute Request here: https://www.gamster.org/forums/forums/unban-unmute-requests.6/ =D.va rog puteti sa imi dati un ban miam luat pe degeabaCrampedRobin427userul meu este CrampedRobin427LD007Hi! Poti face o Cerere Unban aici: https://www.gamster.org/forums/forums/unban-unmute-requests.6/.Sir ld can you unban my Danny222 please sirchocolataLD007=DSalutLD007Hisalut va rog sa imi dati unban pentru ca am folosit autoclicker pentru ca un baiat ma facut slab si serverul gamster.org este un server foarte tare si as vrea sa ma joc pe el din nou sper sa imi dati unban. Multumesc!LD007Hi! Poti face o Cerere Unban aici: https://www.gamster.org/forums/forums/unban-unmute-requests.6/.hey varog sa îmi dati unban pentru ca a fost o greseala cred, vedeti voi eu cand mi-am luat ban ma jucam parkour cu un prietend si eram cu el pe discord , nu înțeleg dece miam luat ban si dece scrie la motive unfair advantage , pls datim unban eu nu am facut nimicaSsabinSSsabinSLD007Hi! Poti face o Cerere Unban aici: https://www.gamster.org/forums/forums/unban-unmute-requests.6/.pleas unban me it seid I am ban becaus unfair Advantage but all the problem is becaus I have a loot of lag pleas Unban me my username on minecraft is tsiuzMaxLD007Hi! You can make an Unban Request here: https://www.gamster.org/forums/forums/unban-unmute-requests.6/ =D. -